DIY Detox & Relax Charcoal Face Mask!

DIY Detox & Relax Charcoal Face Mask!

Harness the power of activated charcoal and usher any dirt or toxins out from your skin with today’s DIY! What You Need:
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon bentonite clay
  • 1/2 teaspoon activated charcoal powder (2 capsules)
  • 1 1/2 – 2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • Glass container
  • Fragrance oils: Amberwood Moss, Bamboo Teak, or Lavender Breeze smell amazing for this! (About 15 drops does the trick)
Instructions: Note: Don’t use metal when mixing! It deactivates the detoxifying properties of the clay and charcoal!
  1. Add the clay and charcoal together in a glass bowl. Slowly add apple cider vinegar until you reach your desired mask consistency! Add the drops of fragrance oil in at the end. Make sure to mix with a wooden or glass utensil.
  2. You’re ready to use! We find that the best way to apply the mask is either with your fingers or a face brush. It’s recommended to leave this mask on for about 20 mins.
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